

Lecture – Prof. Mieczysław Mąkosza

“Nukleofilowe podstawienie wodoru w nitroarenach. Pełny obraz podstawienia w arenach” February 17, 2012 r. (Friday), 14.00. room 09


Lecture – Prof. Henryk Kozłowski

“Modelowanie miejsc wiążących jony metali w białkach bogatych w reszty cysteinowe i histydynowe” December 9, 2011 r. (Friday), 14.00. room…


Lecture – Prof. Gerhart Braunegg

Profesor Gerhart Braunegg, (Research Association ARENA, Graz, Austria ) “Biopolymers:  Sustainable Production of Polyhydroxyalkanoates” March 15, 2011. 11:00 am, room…


Lecture – Prof. Hans R. Kricheldorf

Prof. Hans R. Kricheldorf Hamburg University “History of polymer science and new aspects of step-growth polymerizations” November 15, 2011, 11.00…


Lecture – dr Mieczysław Mazurek

dr Mieczysław Mazurek, 3M Company Research Center, St.Paul, MN, USA “Kultura innowacyjności” 19 Sept. 2011 r. (Monday),  11.00. Room 09,…


Lecture – Prof H.Jakubowski

Prof. Hieronim Jakubowski, Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics, University of Medicine & Dentistry New Jersey The Homocysteine-Thiolactone Hypothesis: A…


Lecture – Prof. John A. Joule

Professor John A. Joule , (University of Manchester, UK) “Selected problems of heterocyclic chemistry” May 17, 24 and  31,  2011,…


Lecture – Prof. Janusz Jurczak

Professor Janusz Jurczak, (Institute of Organic Chemistry, PAS and  Warsaw University) “Receptory anionów a dynamiczna chemia kombinatoryjna” March 17  2011…


Lecture of Prof. Takeshi Takeda

November 16, 2010 (Tuesday)  10:00 Room 09 Prof. Takeshi Takeda z Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology, Koganei, Tokyo (…


Lecture of Prof. Marek Pruski

“New strategies of improving sensitivity and resolution of solid-state. Application to studies of nanomaterials and biomolecules” October 13, 2010 (Wednesday),…


Lecture of Prof. J.M.Bujnicki

“New methods of computer modeling of structure, dynamics and interactions of RNA.” November, 17 2010 r. (Wednesday), 11:30.room 09


Lecture of Prof. Herbert Mayr

“From SN1 to SN2: Solvolysis Mechanism Forty Years after Ingold and Winstein” October 6, 2010 (Wednesday), 15:30, room 09


Lecture of Prof. Ann-Christine Albertsson

Dyrekcja CBMiM PAN w Łodzi zaprasza na wykład Profesor Ann-Christine Albertsson  z Royal Institute of Technology, Sztokholm, Szwecja pt.:“ Polymers…


Lecture of Prof. Paul De Bievre

Prof. Paul De Bievre , Professor Emeritus of Antwerp University, Former President of The Royal Academies of Belgium will deliver…


Seminar of Prof. Zbigniew Kamiński, TU Lodz

“Artificial receptors and artificial enzymes formed by selforganization of peptides immobilized on solid substrate” 12.10.2010 (Tuesday), 9:00, room 09

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