The Prize of Ministry of Science and Higher Education to Prof. Andrzej Galeski

18.11.2010. Professor Andrzej Galeski was awarded by the Minister, Ms. Barbara Kudrycka with the Prize of Ministry of Science and Higher Education for outstanding scientific achievements in 2010. Prof. Galeski won the prize in the category of research for economic progress.

LAUREATES of the Prize of Ministry of Science and Higher Education for outstanding scientific achievements in 2010:

Category of research for  progress in  science:
Prof.  Karol Grela
(new class of catalysts of  metastesis reaction of olefins for pharmaceutical industry)

Category of research for progress of the society:
Prof.  Jerzy Strzelczyk
Category of research for economic progress:
Prof. Andrzej Gałęski
(significant contribution in development of physico-chemistry of modern polymeric materials.)



Autor: Centrum Badań Molekularnych i Makromolekularnych
Opublikowano: 18.11.2010
Aktualizacja: 05.04.2019
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